Merge is a ministry focused on bible study and discipleship for young adults, ages 25-39. All are welcome!
When: Fridays, 7:30 pm
Where: Montgomery
Adult Sunday School
Sunday School isn't just for kids! Come study with us as we Unearth the Foundations of the Christian Faith.
We are starting a new topic as of September 8, 2024. That topic is Free Will, Predestination and Election. We will be studying this topic for the next 13 to 16 weeks. This will be a careful, in-depth, methodical biblical study of a doctrine that is very difficult for many. We will look at creation, the fall, the results of the fall, and the work that is required of God to overcome the results of the fall. We will look carefully at all of the steps that God says that he accomplishes in order to save people. Our study will be done slowly and carefully so that all of the important questions that must be raised... get raised. And not just raised... but answered. Such an approach is vital to avoid the powder-keg arguments that can come from jumping in too fast, too carelessly, or without the proper, biblical, foundation and underpinnings upon which to read, study and discuss this essential doctrine of the Reformed Christian faith.
When: 8:00 AM - 8:50 AM
Where: Montgomery, Room 206
Family Bible Study
Our Family DIGGING DEEPER Bible Study is a unique opportunity for parents to study the scriptures alongside their Junior High and Senior High School children. Come dig in with us as we Unearth the Foundations of the Christian Faith.
Beginning on Sunday, September 15, 2024 we will embark on a new series called, Loving and Glorifying God by Keeping His Commandments. This series comprises Lessons #6 through #12 of the New City Catechism (NCC). We will look into the character of God, how he sees himself and how this relates to his glory. We will talk about God's glory in relation to evil and to sin. We will then spend time looking at the Law of God. We will start by looking at God's law from a general perspective, and conclude by looking at some specifics of God's Law by studying the Ten Commandments.
Note: During the Summer, the Wednesday Night Family DIGGING DEEPER Bible Study met with the Sunday group from 9 AM to 10:15 AM in Goodwill Montgomery's Family Life Center, Room 206. It will remain as a single session on Sunday mornings unless sufficient interest and need is expressed to resume the Wednesday study.
When: Sundays at 9:00 AM
Where: Montgomery, Room 206
Wednesday Morning Bible Study
A time of study open to all with Pastor José. Join us as we work through the book of Romans.
When: Wednesdays, 10:00 am
Where: Montgomery Café
Spanish Bible Study
A bible study led by Elder Sal Martinez and Mildred Martinez. The focus is on the book of Acts and the history, founding, and spread of the Church.
When: Every Other Sunday, 1:30 pm
Where: Montgomery, Room 206